Friday, November 22, 2013

Me and my cane

I've been having issues with my left hip since my late twenties - 30 years, now. Things have become progressively worse over the years, but since April, I've hit a low point.

Ironically, it was my arthritic knee that sent me to the doctor, at which point he sent me to PT. Now, I've done Physical Therapy before, with mixed results. Mostly, it's helped. But not this time. After three weeks of deteriorating walking ability, crying through sessions, and excruciating pain, I realized I didn't have to keep going. I stopped, hoping my now-painful hip would recover and I'd return to my pre-PT ability to walk. Prior to this, I'd been walking 30 minutes a day in the neighborhood. Now, I was lucky to make it to the corner.

Somehow, I made it through my long-term sub job teaching first grade. I came home hurting every day, and my walking deteriorated as each day passed, but I got to the end of the year. Whew!

Summer held out hope for recovery. With a more relaxed routine, I limped through summer, but did not recover to the degree I wanted. Getting in the water helped, but, still, I was hard-pressed to walk far, or to spend much time at all on my feet. Stairs were especially challenging. (And I live in a three-story house.)

In the meantime, I took a long-term sub job that would put me to work full-time in the fall, again teaching first grade. I was feeling somewhat better, and felt I could handle it.

That schedule, however, proved too much for my physical abilities. Two weeks into the school year, I decided to get a cane. It's helped a lot in taking weight off my left leg. I was able to make it through the day without the level of pain I'd been feeling. (Of course pain meds were helping, too.) After eight weeks, the teacher has returned and I am working one day at a time. My days are shorter, my responsibilities are fewer and less demanding, and I finally have time to go the the doctor!

We're still trying to get to the bottom of it all. In the meantime, my cane is my new best friend!

Here's what I've discovered. Besides helping me walk, my cane has proven more than useful in so many other ways. It can help shut troublesome doors...

... and turn on and off lights.

It can even help to awaken sleeping daughters (although they may not appreciate it).


That same daughter might also need an occasional reminder not to do unsafe things. My cane can come in handy for that, as well. 

So many uses for this recent addition to my household. I may learn to be grateful for the excuse to have purchased it. 

Rest up, cane of mine. Tomorrow's another busy day!

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