Saturday, March 20, 2010

It's Cookie Season!

"OMG! What did we get ourselves into?" That was the thought that crossed our minds at the beginning of cookie season this year. Larry and I took on the daunting task of being Cookie Managers for our daughters' two troops - one of which is rather large. We came back from the warehouse with 5 carloads of cases of Girl Scout cookies! In preparation for the onslaught, we took the table out of the dining room to make room for the stock. Good thing!

Xeda loved the new decorating scheme. She thought it was her own personal playground.

We hadn't long to admire our own personal warehouse; in two hours girls were coming by to pick up the cookies they pre-sold door to door. We had to fill these orders fast so we'd be ready. Thus, things started to spread out into the living room and family room of our house.

Emily ended up the troop's top seller. (Go, Emily!) Her order alone looked like this:

Four weekends, 37 cookie sellers, and 40 booths(!) later, we were down to this look. Xeda was so disappointed to see her playground disappear... :-(

Anybody want some Lemon Chalet Cremes?

After all the paperwork was complete, even the lemon cookies found a home - at the Oregon Food Bank. We finally have our dining room, as well as the rest of the house back.

Now we just have to move the furniture back into place!

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