Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Shoulder Injury

Getting old (and out of shape, if I'm honest about it) is the pits. I woke up one morning a few weeks ago, and my right shoulder hurt. I figured I'd slept on it wrong, and that it would eventually work itself out. A few days went by, then a week, and, eventually, I was feeling better, but not as quickly or decisively as I wanted. One day, I was taking my students out to recess, and, as I shoved on the bar of the door to open it, a searing pain shot up into my shoulder; it was excruciating. I fought tears all through recess, and called the doctor as soon as school was out. I was in his office the next morning, where he diagnosed tendonitis, and sent me to physical therapy. I started the next day (pain will hurry you along!), and have been going to PT for a month now. I still hurt, but usually after doing my exercises! :-) It's better, but I still find myself limiting my movements and protecting that arm. Getting comfortable at night is the hardest. Wish I knew how long this was going to take - I just want to feel normal again. (And I'm hoping this isn't my new normal...)

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