Saturday, December 11, 2010

Mama's 80th Birthday

Mama celebrated her 80th birthday on November 15th of this year. After telling her I was unable to make the trip, I surprised her and showed up anyway! It was pretty epic to see her and Daddy's reactions when I walked in the door! But, I'm getting ahead of myself. First, there was the trip to the airport.

I had to leave the house at 4:45 am. Larry was at work, and I didn't want Sarah driving at that hour, so I took myself to the Sunset Transit Center, and left the car in the parking garage for Larry to retrieve later. I swear I fell asleep on the MAX train during the hour's ride to the airport - that's a first! I slept again on the flight from PDX to SFO, and appreciated every moment. Changing flights again in Dallas made for a very long day, but you do what you have to do, right?

In typical fashion, I had to fly in through Gulfport because Mobile's ticket prices are so ridiculously high. I chose not to rent a car because my trip was so quick and I really didn't think I'd need one. That meant, of course, that someone had to come pick me up. Laura volunteered to do the honors, and, after a full day of travel, we headed into Mobile to surprise the parents.

On Airport Blvd., just a few miles from the house, I started hearing a funny noise coming from the front right of the car. "Oh, it just makes that noise sometimes," was Laura's response. But, after slowing down and gradually picking up speed again, I was convinced it was a tire. Moments after Laura's assuring me that the car was not pulling to one side, it indeed started doing just that. Yup, the tire was going flat. We pulled off and took refuge in a well-lighted spot in front of Applebee's, where we assessed the damage - flat as a pancake. What to do? No AAA membership. We couldn't call Daddy; he'd have been minimal help, and we didn't want to spoil the surprise of my arrival. Matthew? Justin? Who knew where they were or what they were doing at 11:00 on a Friday night. Nothing to do but change it ourselves. At least it wasn't raining!

Laura was dubious, but I assured her we could do it. (Thank you, Larry, for insisting I learn how to change the tires on my car...) Alas, we did need help loosening the lug bolts (damn pneumatic bolt tighteners!), and, indeed, received help from a departing Applebee's patron, who was happy to "loosen and leave". After that, we were home free. We got the car jacked up, removed the flat tire, replaced it with the doughnut, jacked it back down, tightened everything back up, and we were done. Girl Power at its finest!

That near-crisis solved, we headed to Mama and Daddy's house. They were so surprised and delighted to see me, it cemented my decision to come in for the occasion, despite the fact that I would be missing Sarah's actual birthday  - for the first time ever. At least I'd be home for her party with her friends.

I spent Saturday doing some shopping - new tires for Laura! - and visiting with everybody. Dinner with the family, including Ruth Ann, then off I went to Daphne to see Tommy and Tricia.

Sunday was party day! Friends and family were invited for Brunch at Courtland's Restaurant in the historic district near Oakleigh. Forty or so people attended, and it was delightful on several fronts. We weren't responsible for any of the preparations, so could just sit back and enjoy; the almost 100% guest attendance proved just how loved Mama is; and the food was really yummy! My shrimp and baked-then-fried grits was pure decadence!
Fay Gold
Mama with Marge Kotnick
Mama and Daddy


Mama with John Adam and the Brutkiewiczes
Mama with Tommy

Harold Cohen

Pollman's did the cake, of course, and it was a beauty. I seem to be the family's now-traditional cutter of cakes, so I had the dubious honor of mutilating, I mean cutting, the cake.

On the way home, while I was so close by, I stopped and visited briefly with Susan. It was great to see her, even if it was quick. Back home, Mama opened her gifts, and we settled in for a lazy evening. I would be leaving the next day, so this was our last chance to catch up on the latest happenings.

Thankfully, the trip back to Gulfport was uneventful - especially since it was raining by then - and I even had time for lunch with Laura before heading to my flight. The weather made it a bumpy trip home on more than one leg. In fact, I thought I'd lose my dinner on the approach to Portland, but managed to hold it in check. My options for getting home from the airport past midnight were limited. Again, Larry was at work, MAX had made its last run, and Sarah wasn't an option at that hour, so I took a cab. $65 later (!) I collapsed in my bed. So glad we'd arranged for Sarah to get herself and Emily to school that day - I was wasted!

It took me two weeks to recover from that quick trip between three time zones, but I'm so glad I went. Mama will only be 80 once! Happy Birthday, Mama!

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