Saturday, August 4, 2012

ACMA Graduation 2012


June 9, 2012. Graduation Day. A red letter day for Sarah, and, indeed our whole family. We arrived at the school Sarah had attended for the last seven years, aware that this would be our last visit. It was a bittersweet moment, filled with pride and wistfulness. 


Tickets were in high demand, as the PAC has limited seating, and space was at a premium.

The ceremony began with ACMA's traditional bagpipe processional.

Speakers were many, and included Theresa Reiser, the student body president; student honoree Dominic Paul; staff honoree, Math teacher and new dad, Mr. Bertram; Valedictorian Caroline MacDonald; and Mr. Johnson, ACMA's principal. Beaverton's new Superintendent, Jeff Rose, was present, seemed impressed (and a bit confused at times, with some of ACMA's graduation traditions) and offered a few words of support to the graduates, as well.

As one would expect of a performing arts school, there were numerous performances - classical orchestra, jazz band, combined orchestras, advanced vocal ensemble, and a student band who auditioned for the honor of performing at Graduation -  all adding to our pride in the talent this school has produced. The lobby area displayed visual works by this year's seniors, Sarah included.

Finally, all formalities, speakers, and musical entertainment aside, the moment we'd been waiting for - the awarding of diplomas! - arrived. The ceremony was impressively well-rehearsed and, finally, Sarah strode across the stage with great confidence. It truly was a proud moment for us to see her in her cap and gown, three cords around her neck, accepting her diploma. She also received two Pathway Endorsements, one in Drawing and Painting,  the other in Ceramics and Sculpture - much like a double major.  Only a dozen or so could claim that accomplishment. Well done, Sarah!


Cake and punch were served in the lobby, and flashes filled the area as pictures with family, teachers and friends froze the moment for years to come.

Celebrants spilling out from the PAC on a beautiful day for Graduation
Emily is proud of her sister
Proud parents
The family
Sarah and Cate with art teacher and mentor, Mr. Brandau
Felice Moskowitz - Ohana teacher for five years
Sarah and Mrs. Heymann
Jenalyn's Hawaiian heritage on display! 
Sarah and Jenalyn
Sarah, Jenalyn, Nicole, and Joanna
Sarah and Maricruz
Sarah with Naomi
Brenda and Sarah
The two Sarahs
One more unique ACMA tradition: seniors leave their mark on the school by creating a permanent piece of art in the school halls. This octopus, designed and painted by this year's class, includes all their names hidden within.

Eventually, the celebrations ended and it was time for us to head off to dinner and home again to transition to the big grad party for students that night. Heading to the parking lot, I couldn't help but feel that while we were leaving high school behind, we were walking towards new experiences, yet to be discovered. Here's to the future!

1 comment:

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