Saturday, August 28, 2010

McKenzie River Anniversary Trip

Larry and I spent last weekend away celebrating our 29th wedding anniversary. After much discussion about a possible destination, we finally decided on the McKenzie River. I found a riverside cabin at the Holiday Farm Resort. Since I booked it online, sight-unseen, we were dubious about what we were getting. We were pleasantly surprised!

Our cabin, Waterwheel, was a charming white clapboard structure with a large living area, complete with fireplace and a kitchenette in the back. It featured french doors opening to a spacious bedroom with a king-size bed. It was meticulously clean, draft-free, and masked outdoor noises well.

It was located literally on the McKenzie River. Its wraparound porch/deck looked right out on the river- perfect for a cup of morning tea, or a glass of wine in the evening. It was my favorite part of the cabin; just sitting and listening to the flow of the water was so peaceful and relaxing.

On Saturday morning, we got up and left for a day's adventure. Our first stop was breakfast at The Rustic Skillet, a good, stick-to-your-ribs meal, perfect for sustaining us for our planned activities. As usual, Larry had thoroughly researched things to do and see. Thus, we took a delightful nature hike, at about 1,000 ft. elevation. The beautiful forest was lush, green, and beautiful, its floor covered with ferns, with three bridges crossing over the river that ran through it. We did not see another person there with us; it was very serene.

By contrast, our next stop was a hike to Hand Lake, at 4,000 ft. in elevation. I felt the difference in altitude immediately in my lungs, but it was evident to the eye, as well. This forest had a totally different look and feel. We were clearly in a harsher environment: the trees were having a harder time surviving against the elements, the ground cover was lower and clinging to the soil.

Before long, we reached the lake. The view across it was of a lava flow, and the trees there bore evidence of volcanic trauma, with Mt. Washington just barely peeking (peaking?!) above the trees.

A 90 degree turn gave us a view of two of the Three Sisters.

I was taken by the visage of this spooky tree...

The volcanic debris we saw here was the beginning of a lava flow that we would follow for many miles. Looking out across this alien landscape, it was at once dead and alive with plants struggling for survival.

We stopped at the Dee Wright Observatory at the summit of the McKenzie Pass. Built of volcanic material found on site by the CCC, it offers amazing views of the desolate landscape surrounding it.

Windows skirting the round structure identify seven mountains that can be viewed from within.

We drove on to Sisters and stayed just long enough to stretch our legs - and to discover three deer munching away in someone's yard.

Our return trip to our cabin was mostly non-stop, although we did pause to investigate the Belknap covered bridge.

After a glass of wine on the deck, we headed across the parking lot for our anniversary dinner at the resort's restaurant. I thoroughly enjoyed my salmon with marionberry cream sauce. Once back at the cabin, we declined more wine on the deck; our next door neighbors were having a very boisterous party on theirs!

Breakfast the next morning was at Takoda's in Blue River. Now, Blue River is a tiny community, yet it boasts a golf course, a sports academy, the area's only gas station, and this gem of a restaurant. Unimpressive from the outside, we ate on a beautifully planted and landscaped patio, complete with koi pond, bridge, and waterfall. The exciting menu led me to a smoked chicken hash with red potato hash-browns. Yum!

Our last stop was a visit to the head of the Metolius River. This amazing place shows how this river "springs" forth fully-formed from an underground, well, spring.

Hard though it was to come home, our weekend away was over. Sarah and Emily survived our absence without trauma. Sarah's ability to drive gave them some mobility, and they, too, enjoyed a meal out while we were gone!

Happy Anniversary to us!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

More sewing projects

Emily finished her latest sewing camp today, and brought home three completed projects. The first is a darling - and handy - drawstring tote bag. It can be worn on one shoulder (Emily's preference) or in the traditional backpack-style. It is not so traditional, however. It sports three pockets on the outside: two square pockets and one just the right size for pencils. Very cute!

Project number two: a pair of pajama pants. Emily decided to make hers shorts, and chose a cow print to coordinate with her collection of cows and cow paraphernalia.

Lastly, she made an apron that is so cute, I'm covetous. I love the coordinating fabrics she chose, and the style is really different. It's simple as can be, just a square turned on end, but what a difference that makes. Now she's all ready to help me out in a serious way in the kitchen!

Hmmm...Guess who will be making her own Halloween costumes in the future?

Monday, August 23, 2010

What a beautiful smile!

Sarah 's big news today is that she got her braces off! Woo hoo!

Here's her oh-so-enthusiastic "before" photo:

And her much more effusive "after". What a beautiful smile - and girl to go with it!

Her orthodontist gave her a celebratory bottle of sparkling cider - and some previously-off limits sticky/hard candies.

All just in time for school pictures this week. Timing IS everything!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Girl Scout Beach Trip

Just returned from a delightful beach weekend with "my" girls. After 11 years as a troop leader with Girl Scouts, we have decided to fold as a troop - just not enough girls able to remain active members. We decided to spend one last weekend at the beach together - and spend what money we had left in our treasury.

After buying gas, groceries, and one nice meal out at a restaurant, we looked at what we had left and the girls decided what to do with it. The Gearhart beach house was free (thanks, Barb and family), and the beach was two blocks away. That part of the stay didn't cost a thing. What did we find to spend our money on?

We rented a surrey and the girls pedaled all over Seaside; we rode the Tilt-a-Whirl; the girls spent money on candy, the Outlet Store, and Dairy Queen; we had Italian sodas.

The freebies included going to the beach - and we had two beautiful days there. It was sunny, but not scorching, with a slight breeze. We got some welcome sun, but no one got really burned. We played Frisbee, keep-away with the football, walked down the beach collecting sand dollars, jumped from cliffs, and played in the surf.

At the beach house, when we weren't cooking (and cleaning up the kitchen!), we watched movies and episodes of Glee; played Clue; played Phase Ten; learned to play poker(!), and just acted silly. We got pretty good at balancing spoons on our faces with just a little practice...

I am going to miss seeing this group of girls regularly. They are a great bunch. We have a plan to continue to meet as friends quarterly; I hope it happens, but I'm not holding my breath.

I see big things ahead for these young ladies. I hope I'll be able to follow their progress as time unfolds for them.